During the years 2018-2023, Frosting has produced the magazine DSTN Sundsvall to inspire readers to visit and explore Sundsvall, Timrå and Ånge. It has taken different forms, been translated into different languages and distributed to different areas depending on the client’s objectives. In close consultation with the client, the municipalities, we at Frosting have been responsible for the entire production: developing and proposing ideas, creating content, designing, selling ads and managing printing contacts.

DSTN Sundsvall
How do we attract visitors to come here, stay a little longer – and return?
Destination Sundsvall’s three municipalities have very different characters. Together they offer a contrasting stone city with a wide range of culture, urban mountains with outdoor recreation, a restaurant-dense coastal environment and vast natural treasures. In the destination magazine DSTN Sundsvall, we have strived to create an accurate mix of articles that can best reflect the diversity and attract as many people as possible, for as long as possible. Read more

Prior to each issue, we have conducted a business intelligence study, which then became the basis for how we chose to plan the layout and the magazine’s spreads. One challenge has always been to create topical content in the wrong season. It is exciting! And often something unexpected happens that requires flexibility and quick action. The pandemic year 2020 is unforgettable. In March, the magazine was almost ready for print, when we realized that the upcoming summer would not be like others. Events were canceled and stay-at-home became the word on everyone’s lips. We had to rethink everything.

In 2022, the destination set a festival record and we enjoyed creating strong and beautiful spreads with everything a popular artist elite would offer visitors and residents – and actually got to do for the first time in a long time.

Otherwise, as much as possible, we have used the voices of local experts who have become credible ambassadors for the destination through our reports. They have generously shared destinations and tips on how to best experience the destination. We’ve also spent a lot of time creating guides that showcase the breadth of the destination, from accommodation and restaurants to events and activities. There should be no doubt that there is something for everyone to do. Frosty’s content producers and designers have since worked closely together to elevate text and image into an attractive whole.

The photographers we work with to capture moods and moments are invaluable in achieving the end result we have always strived for: an enticing showcase for the destination. The project team has varied, as has the design, which we have redesigned and refined several times over the years. But the latest issues were created by project manager Elin Hallstensson, designer Andreas Söderlund and writer Jennie Zetterqvist.