1. Good image quality

“I love poor image quality”… said no one ever. Try to take your pictures in good light or use a free service to download a suitable image that fits your post.

2. Avoid misspellings

Bad grammar can also give the wrong image of your company or give the appearance of an inferior product.

3. Keeping up with trends

There might be room for your post to become one with the viral storm and appear in searches.

4. Don’t get performance anxiety

Maybe sometimes it’s just being seen that’s the thing, not that it has to be grand every time. Often, if each post has to be worked on for hours, nothing happens at all.

5. Shared joy is double joy

Join the conversation with others who are passionate about the same things as you and your business. Social media is about interacting with others.

Of course, Frosting can help with most aspects of communication. For example, writing for the web, developing a suitable image style or managing the full service of your company’s social channels. Send an email to hej@frosting.se.

Why text is so important on the web